Where I'm going

I've always loved talking about the big ideas​
Small talk is fine for people you don't really know.
I want to make work which is challenging, but feels safe because you trust the people on stage. I want to talk about things that sound scary and weird. I want to talk about religion and politics, what's in space and what's at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Talking about such huge issues, I find, helps people to gain perspective, and using personal stories to talk about them helps keep it human. I also love a laugh, comedy is absolutely what I'm about.
I'm making a new solo show about Conspiracy Theories, collective trauma and how we put narratives into the voids of our knowledge. Its going to be a lot more fun than it sounds, I promise.
I'm fascinated by the (digital) future of performance, lived experience and the idea of liveness.
I love to direct, write, devise, research, perform, and dramaturge. If you're looking for someone to do any of those, it might be me.